With me today is Maxwell “Max” Danner, a strong secondary character for my book; “SAVANT”. This interview will be a special one, you see, Max cannot hear or speak well. In a sense we are talking but we are using sign language. I’m not fluent in it so Max brought his friend Linda Hightower to interpret.
Welcome to you both! I’m happy you are here and my readers would like to get to know you.
Linda: Hi! We are happy to be here as well. Max is excited.
Max: I am! I have never had an interview.
CD: I understand Max, you have been deaf since birth.
Max: Yes, that’s true.
CD: But you do most things just like anyone else. Have you thought about what it would be like to hear a bird sing, or Linda talking?
Max: I don’t let it bother me, but I’d like to hear a bird sing. Linnie probably sounds like a bird.
CD: Well, some birds have beautiful songs and others like a crow or blue jay have annoying calls. So, I'll just say she has a pretty voice.
Linda: Aw! Thank you!
CD: Max, I understand you are an accomplished artist.
Max: Oh, I don’t know but I like painting pictures and drawing.
CD: I’ve seen some of your work, they are beautiful! I can’t draw a stick man.
Max: (big smile) I can draw a stick man! Thank you for the compliment. I like chocolate too, and Linnie.
Linda: That’s me. He gave me the nickname when we first met. I like it because it’s from my friend and he’s the only one who calls me that. It makes me feel special.
Max: I like Linnie better than Linda. She helps me out with a lot of things.
CD: What does she help you with?
Linda: He’s a talented man and making great strides. Currently, we are learning to talk and write complex sentences. It’s a slow process, but he’s doing well. We also go places, like the market, library or the museum. He doesn’t like being around a lot of people or places like malls. They can get crowded. So, we are taking baby steps. One of these days I’d like to take him to meet my family. I think they’d get along well.
Max: Sometimes it’s hard to do, but I know it makes her smile when I can do what she’s needs me to do. It makes me smile, so does chocolate. At first it was scary going to places that I don’t normally go. People look at me because I’m a big guy. But I don’t let them bother me.
CD: Yes, I can see that. How tall are you?
Max: I'm six foot and eight inches. I am taller than my brother. I can see over the top of his head.
CD: I met your brother; he’s nothing like you. He’s a bit stiff.
Max: Yeah, he’s like that. I think it’s because he’s in the FBI and has to be professional. He wasn’t always like that, but I guess being a grown up can make a person that way.
CD: Yes, I suppose so. So, you like going to different places now?
Max: Only if Linnie is with me. I used to like going with my mom too but she’s gone now. She’s in heaven with my dad. Sometimes I go sit in her flower garden I can feel her there.
CD: Did your mother teach you to draw and paint?
Max: No. I just learned it by myself. My brother can’t draw but I guess it’s because he works all the time. He doesn’t visit much and I miss him. We used to have a lot of fun when he lived here and he kept people from being mean to me. I don’t have many problems with that now.
CD: What made you want to draw pictures?
Max: I don’t know. I just started drawing, things like flowers and birds. She thought they were pretty. One day she came home and brought me some colored pencils and drawing pads, then tube paints and canvases. I paint a lot of pictures. Do you have any chocolate?
Linda: Max!
CD: That’s all right. I don’t have any chocolate, sorry Max.
Max: That’s okay. Linnie can get me some when we go home.
CD: Where is your favorite place to do your drawing and painting?
Max: In my room. I have a big bedroom with lots of space. There are big windows there and I can see outside good. It gives me a lot of light.
CD: Do you think you’ll ever show your work in an art gallery?
Max: I don’t know, maybe one day. I like them hanging up in the house. Mom has all of my pictures I made for her in every room. It makes me sad to know she can't enjoy them anymore.
Linda: Yes, nearly every wall in the house is covered with his artwork. He’s made a few paintings for me, I have them in my place. It's been hard learning to adjust without Rosalind, uh, Mrs. Danner. Most days are great but, just like anyone else he has not so good days. It’s mostly at night.
CD: Bad dreams?
Max: Yes, I don’t like them.
CD: Nightmares are scary. But they are just dreams.
Max: No, there is a bad man in them. He does bad things. He hurts people. I see him hurt them and then I draw them. It makes me scared.
CD: Linda, have you seen these pictures?
Linda: No, I didn’t know he was doing that.
Max: I don’t show them to anyone. It makes me afraid he will come and get me. I don't want to talk about them anymore. I want to go now. I need some chocolate to make me happy.